Lose weight healthily

Secrets to lose weight with health and quality of life

Chew properly, have food discipline, sleep well, among others. Check out  ways to lose weight with health and raise your self-esteem

Far beyond aesthetic issues, weight loss is directly related to quality of life. However, to reach this level, it is essential to lose weight with health.

According to data from the IBGE, the Brazilian Association for the Study of Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome, 6 out of 10 people are overweight considered ideal. This means that approximately 60% of people are overweight. That is, the BMI, Body Mass Index demonstrates that it is in the overweight or obesity range.

Thus, it is essential to emphasize that situations like this help to trigger various diseases, or even hinder their control and treatment. Among the pathologies that are associated with obesity are cardiovascular diseases such as heart failure and even some types of cancer. In order to avoid all these inconveniences, get physically fit and raise your self-esteem, check out now for tips on how to lose weight safely and healthily!

Ways to lose weight with health

Healthy weight loss is essential to lose weight properly and maintain the proper functioning of your body as a whole. In addition, the more balanced and healthy your weight loss process, the less likely you are to regain the lost weight. Therefore, the first step to lose weight with health is to be patient. Yea! As many diets promise quick weight loss, what usually happens, after a short time, is the recovery of all the lost weight and even the extra one. When this happens, the tendency is to “dishearten” the process and believe that it is not possible to reach the ideal body for both aesthetic and health purposes. There are several diets, such as the Low Carb Diet and the Points Diet, for example, that can help you reach goals. But, the ideal is to consult a professional to find out which type of diet is most suitable for each case.

Pay attention to the chewing process of food

When it comes to losing weight, the first idea that pops into anyone's mind is to stop eating, or eat less. It is a fact that weight reduction is directly related to the quantity and quality of food consumed. However, when seeking to lose weight with health, it is necessary to attend to several other points. Thus, one of the aspects that few people take into account is the importance of eating slowly and chewing food well. But why is this necessary? When we chew, the brain captures the movements performed by the muscles involved and produces impulses to our body's satiety center. That way, when eating is done slowly and chewing is done properly, we give the brain more time to carry out this process, making our body perceive the satiety point more quickly. With that, it is possible, of course, to eat smaller portions, since the organism itself will identify the moment when it is satiated.

Consume Foods That Help Burn Fat

The are very important allies of those looking to lose weight with health. Many of them even leverage this process. The so-called "thermogenic foods" cause the body's temperature to rise, consequently speeding up the metabolism, causing you to burn more fat. In the list of thermogenic foods we have: Red pepper; Bell pepper; Orange; Kiwi; mustard; broccoli; chard; Green cabbage; asparagus; sardine; salmon; Cod; linseed; ginger; guarana; Green Tea; coffee. In addition to these, there are other foods that also contribute to the burning of body fat, they are oat bran: improves bowel function and helps reduce fat and carbohydrate absorption; banana: helps give satiation; citrus fruits: act by decreasing the body's absorption of fat; extra virgin olive oil: reduces inflammation in cells; avocado: helps reduce the feeling of hunger; egg: promotes satiety; cereals.

Have food discipline

But in addition to paying attention to the , eating frequency is another essential point for anyone looking to lose weight in a healthy way. It is very important that you respect your body's limits and signals, this includes avoiding eating more than you feel you need to. Therefore, it is very important to have an eating routine. That is to say, try to eat the same amount of meals each day. The most suitable schedule includes three meals a day (breakfast, lunch and dinner), at regular times and intervals that give the body the time it needs to digest.

Avoid restrictions, but don't overdo it.

In the first tip on how to lose weight with health, we commented that it is quite common for people to consider stopping eating or eating less, remember? This is a very common feature of restrictive diets. However, losing weight in this way leads to two questions: the first is that the more we abstain from a food, the more we want to consume it, which can even collaborate with.

The second is that the body needs all kinds of nutrients to stay healthy. Therefore, the ideal is to seek a balance, eating with variety, but without exaggerating the quantity. Thus, obviously, foods rich in sugar or salt, ultra-processed, fatty, among others with unnatural characteristics should be avoided, not only by those looking to lose weight, but as a way to maintain good health in general.

Increase your daily water consumption

In addition to keeping the body properly hydrated, between meals helps to reduce hunger, as well as to reduce fluid retention.

But to lose weight with health, it is important to pay attention to how much and how to consume water and other liquids. For example, drinking with meals should be avoided. Ideally, up to 30 minutes before eating or 2 hours later, in order to avoid stomach distension.

In addition, give preference to water, natural and sugar-free juices, and avoid soft drinks, industrialized juices, alcoholic beverages and chocolate drinks.

Do physical activities regularly

In addition to promoting well-being, quality of life and improving the body's health in general, they help to intensify fat burning.

The good news is that it is possible to include simple activities in your daily life that already contribute to this process, such as: changing the elevator for the stairs, the car for the bicycle, going down a few points before the destination and walking, walking the dog, among others.

Have a good nights sleep

A fact that few people know is that it also helps to lose weight. This happens because, during sleep, the body regulates the levels of hormones related to the feeling of hunger, which are leptin and ghrelin. In addition, a good night's sleep also contributes to decreasing cortisol, the stress hormone, which helps to increase appetite and hinders the fat burning process.

Take care of your bowels

The good is also directly related to weight loss. This happens because, when the intestinal transit is within what is considered ideal, there is less fluid retention, as well as a better absorption of nutrients.

These points help speed up your metabolism and burn more calories, leading to healthier weight loss.

Seek follow-up with qualified professionals

However, even though these tips are accessible and efficient for everyone, remember that, in order to lose weight in good health, the monitoring of health professionals is essential, especially to treat eating disorders.

In addition to advising on the most suitable foods for your body and which exercises are most suitable for your age and physique, such as weight training or fights, they can also request clinical exams to check your health in general and recommend supplements for help in the process.

The risks of inappropriate weight loss

As you can see, losing weight with health is totally possible. As much as you are in a hurry to lose weight, it is essential to remember that if you do not act correctly, your body can suffer several consequences. For example, restrictive diets that promise quick results tend to reduce the consumption of nutrients ideal for a healthy life.

When this happens, your body begins to show signs of deficit and anemia, such as hair loss, hair loss, weakening of the nails, among others. Therefore, it is so important when you lose weight, to be healthy in this process. In addition to raising your self-esteem, losing weight in this way guarantees longer lasting results and a much better quality of life.
